Child and Animal Welfare
Kellystown is fully committed to providing the highest standards of welfare for children (including vulnerable adults). As a member of the Association of Irish Riding Establishments (AIRE) we implement the Horse Sport Ireland Policies and Guidance on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in accordance with the latest legislation Horse Sport Ireland Child Welfare and Safeguarding.
In particular the following safeguarding roles have been appointed
Designated Liaison Person: Dr. Patrick Jackman. Tel: 087 6735205
Email: info@kellystownridingschool.com.
Club Childrens Officer: Ms Olive Kelly.
Tel: 087 6735205
Email: info@kellystownridingschool.com
Deputy Designated Liaison Person:
Mr. Paul Hayes. Tel: 045 854524 Email: safeguarding@horsesportireland.ie
Horse Sport Ireland National Contact Point: Mr. Paul Hayes. Tel: 045 854524 Email: safeguarding@horsesportireland.ie
TUSLA Dublin South East Dedicated Contact Point: 01 215 5758
An Garda Siochana Rathfarnham Station: 01 666 6500
Staff Garda Vettings and Safeguarding Qualifications are available for viewing on site as is the Child Safeguarding Statement and Safeguarding Risk Assessment
Kellystown is also committed to providing the highest standards
of animal welfare to ensure that our horses and ponies are kept
healthy and happy all year round and come to expect a positive
experience when interacting with humans.